SUBMITTED FOR YOUR PERUSAL Below you will find 'Links' to sub-directories that contain all pertinent information (preceeded by a Cover Sheet -- which is a brief explanation or instruction). By far, the most important is 'Kinsmen'. It should contain all the information contained in the SS and the miscellaneous files. Also, due to my laziness in programming, it would probably be easiest to return to this "Base" page using the browser 'back' button (or ALT & Left Arrow) to jump around. And,lastly, there are some old photos I've put on the web. While they're mostly the Emil & Velma (Dieringer) Roeder clan, you may find some photos of others that you might find interesting. Go to: http://pictures/ [Do not use www] USERNAME: RoeDier PASSWORD: UncleJr Last Updated: July 19,2008 [UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED]